Technology company Google has launched an online platform “New Digital Opportunities” to improve digital literacy access to which is open to everyone.

Google has also launched an educational programme “Google for Tourism Online Business Development”, which was designed for executives and owners of tourist market companies, hospitality business representatives of Ukraine.
“During the course, participants will learn how to post information about the company on the Internet, how to increase the number of customers and sales thanks to the tools from Google and other companies”, the press office said.
According to the report, one course consists of 7 interactive trainings in online format.
Each training is divided into parts of different degrees of complexity to be useful for both beginners and experienced audiences.
The course is free of charge and will be available both live and on demand on the site:
During 2021, Google plans to conduct the course three times and give the opportunity to gain new knowledge of more than 5,000 representatives of the tourism business.